The Stranglers are celebrating 50 years – and frontman Baz Warne will be spending his own 60th here in Bristol

„The moment you walk out and hear ‘Waltzinblack’ and the lights go down and you hear that roar, everything else just doesn’t matter“


Ellie Kendall Reporter

  • 01:33, 22 JAN 2024

„I wasn’t expecting to be in The Stranglers when I was 60, so it’s the strangest, strangest thing. It’s a huge milestone. It actually requires you to look back a little bit, which is something we never really do – we like to look forward more than back – and every once in a while you do take stock of it and think ‘oh my God it’s been so long’.

„But unless I look at some photographs, and see how young we all were then – JJ [Burnel] with his black hair and Jet [Black] looking great, and Dave [Greenfield] – that’s when you think it’s been a long time. Other than that, we just take it one gig, one tour, one record at a time.“

When it comes to this time around, however, Baz says it’s ‘going to be different because it’s a bit of a landmark’.

„I still feel like I’m 21 in my head and I know JJ does as well,“ he says. „As long as you’ve got that drive and youthful feeling – your body, your knees, your back might not let you get away with it quite as much these days! But you’ll get a pleasant surprise when you see us, because we’re seriously looking forward to it!“

Baz reveals that they won’t be having a support act for the show at Bristol Beacon on March 25 and will, instead, be „doing it all ourselves“. The band will play two sets – the first will be full of more „obscure, crazy, weird Stranglers stuff“, including one track that has never been played live before, while the second half will see the band, as Baz describes, ‘pull our battered old Dr Martens on and just go for it’.

Seeing a Stranglers gig here in Bristol is quite a momentous event at the most ordinary of times, and fans who annually venture out to see them in the city – usually at the O2 Academy – will tell you that it’s something pretty special, and something quite difficult to replicate with other bands. Baz believes this might have something to do with the way the band has been perceived over the years.

He says: „The band were such outsiders in the day and I think, if you have taken up with us and embraced us and taken us to your heart, then you’re a little bit like that as well. I think there are fans who feel like they’ve just come along with us on the journey and whose family have introduced them to The Stranglers. That’s such a lovely thing and we see that quite a lot – children come and in some cases grandchildren, as well – there’s three generations.

„There’s very few bands that can boast that and I think if you’ve been there right from the very beginning in whatever way, The Stranglers has been your band. They didn’t sound like anybody else, they certainly didn’t look like anybody else and we’ve just kept that tradition going.

„Sometimes you walk on and you see the looks on people’s faces and that’s why we’re here. You’re just making people’s day. If you play someone’s favourite song, you can just see the look on their face and it just means everything to them, and for those two and a half hours, that’s all that matters. All we can really do is get on there and give it our all and do what we’re supposed to do.“

Bristol’s O2 Academy is a venue that sticks out in Baz’s mind, and it has played host to several of the other band members’ birthdays over the years, including the late Dave Greenfield, who died in 2020. While at first, Baz says, when the band arrive for soundcheck it doesn’t look like much – and they are never convinced 1,800 or so people are going to fit in the space – when it comes time to perform on stage, the frontman says there’s an obvious change in atmosphere.

„When we get there for the gig and the tour manager goes ‘it is rammed’,“ he says, „you look out and you look up, and right up on the top tier there’s people hanging over [the balcony] and you think ‘Christ, look after yourself, you’re going to fall’ – it’s just a real family warmth there.“

It’s not the only place in the West Country that’s a part of The Stranglers legacy and history. While speaking with us on a cold Tuesday afternoon, Baz is sitting in a recording studio in Bath – the same recording studio in which the band recorded the ‘Dark Matters’ album – and the band get together and go out for dinner in Frome, where Baz says he loves not being recognised and the four of them can just ‘get together and laugh and laugh and laugh’.

They even rehearse on a little farm. Baz says: „I love to be with them because it’s not just a band, they’re my friends. The moment anything affects or changes that, that’s maybe when we’ll think about stopping.“

Last year, The Stranglers didn’t tour in the UK and Baz says this was in preparation for the 50th anniversary celebrations this year, however there was much talk among fans and the media of there being no more Stranglers tours at all, ever again. This is something Baz says isn’t true, a revelation that is sure to put a smile on the faces of the many fans of the band to be found down here in the West Country.

He says: „You play and approach every show like it’s the first, and like it could be your last. I know that sounds very cliche but it is very very true, especially in our case because we’ve done so many gigs. And, for sure, there’s a time when you’re thinking ‘my back hurts’ or ‘I’ve sprained my knee’ or you know you’re not in the right place.

„But the moment you walk out and hear ‘Waltzinblack’ and the lights go down and you hear that roar, everything else just doesn’t matter. What you’re there for is to get out and play and it’s not just a case of going through the motions, the moment the four of us – or me and JJ in particular in this day and age – stop enjoying it, the moment it doesn’t live up to our expectations, that’s when we’ll stop. But now, there’s no signs of that.“

He goes on to say: „We never said we wouldn’t play in the UK, or do any festivals. All we said was we’re not doing long 35-date tours anymore, which is why this tour is only 13 shows, the venues are bigger, they’re a bit more exclusive – and, of course, it’s been 50 years!“

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